Coagulation Line – mod. LC

Technical Features

Coagulation Line – mod. LC

The features of the Coagulation Line – mod. LC are:

– Fabric, unwound from rolls, is threaded through the accumulator. The accumulator contains 40 linear meters of base-cloth, providing sufficient time to replace an empty roll with a new roll and joining the fabric from the two rolls without stopping the coagulation line.

– The fabric self-alignment group provides constant alignment of fabric entering the “Omega” type drawing unit.

– Constant and equal tension of the fabric is provided by the “Omega” type drawing group, installed on the accumulator. This unit assures uniform tension of fabric, entering the pre-impregnation or impregnation bath.

– Two edge-trimming units, mounted on the exit of “Omega” drive.

– Fabric edge is cut out, to remove internal longitudinal tension in the fabric, which may create material defects during the coagulation process.

– Then there are two possibilities:

  • The fabric can enter in the pre-impregnating unit (to be pre-impregnated and pre-coagulated), then coated on the upper side by the coater of the impregnation unit, and finally coagulated. This process is called double coagulation and tends to be used for very heavy materials.
  • The fabric can enter directly into the second impregnating unit, and be immediately coated on the upper side and then coagulated. This process is called single coagulation and is used for the lighter and medium weight materials.

– The impregnation group can be cleaned very fast thanks to a special bath lifting-lowering system which permits complete removal of the dipping rollers, leaving free access to the bath. At the exit of the coagulating baths, there are pad mangles to squeeze out from the coagulated material, the coagulating solution; and then the washing of the tanks with pad mangles completes the extraction of DMF from the coagulated product.

– After washing, the product is dried in an oven with a stenter frame and then sanded on the back-side before finally being rewound.

Technical data

1800 mm
1600 mm
1,5 ÷ 15 mt/min
400 Volt ±5% , 50 Hz, three-phase
~ 60 kW
2000-3000 lt/hr, 2 kg/cm² pressure
7 ±1 Kg/cm²

AIGLE Macchine Srl