Flocking at Design on Tridimensional Objects – mod. FDT

Technical Features

Flocking at Design on Tridimensional Objects – mod. FDT

AIGLE has developed an innovative system to flock designs on three-dimensional objects. The system ensures:

– Simple application on objects of different shapes and curved surfaces
– Reduced industrial costs through the use of pad printing techniques
– Abrasion resistance

AIGLE develops the complete plant printing/flocking including the transport of the parts to flock and automation of the various stages of the process. The system consist of:

– load pieces station
– spraying glue station
– flocking station
– pre-cleaning station
– drying station
– final cleaning station

Depending on the object type, the required productivity and the desired design, the line is developed with automation and specific solutions for each station. When needed, there are also actuators or robots to handle flocking, pre-cleaning and final cleaning. The system also allows the placing of a flocking unit in an already existing printing line. In this way, it used the same printing system, pieces movement, loading and unloading, as well as the oven. The units that have just been flocked are then completed with systems including automatic recovery and recirculation of the flock.

Technical data

400 V/50 Hz/three-phase
7 ±1 Kg/cm²

AIGLE Macchine Srl