What is the ACIMIT green label?
The ACIMIT green label is a document that aims to identify the energy and environmental performances of textile machinery and make them easily recognizable and comprehensible, using a process designated by the manufacturer as an evaluation parameter.
In the absence of an internationally recognized standard for the classification of energy and/or environmental performance levels for textile machinery, Italian machinery manufacturers are promoting an instrument whose goal is to demonstrate some key performance data for their machinery. This information can also be compared with competitors. Enhanced awareness of excellence in technology and sustainability is, in fact, an element that boosts the strength of Italian textile machinery industry, which is in the front line in order to promote sustainable solutions.
Specifically, the quantity of equivalent emissions of carbon dioxide (Carbon Footprint – CFP) produced during the machine’s operation, is the parameter that has been chosen to provide an environmental efficiency value to the machinery being labelled.
The ACIMIT Supplier of Sustainable Technologies registered trademark is the symbol that identifies Italian textile machinery manufacturers who comply with the “Sustainable Technologies” project, and thus use of the ACIMIT green label.
The ACIMIT green label – a certified standard
At ITMA ASIA + CITME 2012 ACIMIT has introduced the certified version of this instrument.
In fact, an international certification organism, RINA (www.rina.org), has validated the green label issuing process and the evaluations it contains. Based on a standardized and certified procedure, RINA verifies (for some manufacturers drawn from those participating in the project every year and representing about 20% of the joined companies) both the evaluation criteria and operating conditions of the machinery being assessed for the labelling process.
Other trademark labels exist in the industrial machinery sector that assign sustainability compliances to manufacturers; in actual fact, these are simply self-referenced labels of an exclusively promotional nature. They fail to provide technical criteria (i.e. measurable values) that justify the attribution of the sustainability trademark. Above all, their claims are never verified by third parties.
With this further evolutionary process, Italian manufacturers are able to provide potential customers with machinery performance information that has been verified by an internationally recognized certification organisation. But the road to perfecting the green label does not end here. Measuring a production process does not in itself guarantee the quality of textile products downstream of the process. This is why ACIMIT is already working to make the green label a guarantee for the final product. The road to the qualification of textile machinery is a long and arduous one, but the Italian textile machinery industry has taken its position in the front lines.
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